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Poudre High School offers a variety of courses in Theatre and Drama. Please contact PHS teaching staff or counseling office if you have questions about classes. 


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A semester introductory course of theatre study including theatre history from ancient to modern times. Students are introduced to practical knowledge/experience in all aspects of theatre: play analysis, acting, technical theatre (set design/construction, lighting, make-up and costuming).

**At PHS, the course includes directing and improvisation

Open to all students!

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FRCC Acting I/Advanced Acting & Production

Students’skills are enhanced through practice and performance.

**At PHS, students will explore advanced vocal and movement techniques. Students will perform monologues, scenes, and prepare for successful auditions. This class teaches discipline and creativity for the motivated
acting student.

Concurrent Enrollment Available!

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Technical Theatre Certification

This multi-stage workshop is designed to give students the opportunity to be certified for the operation of specific equipment in the performance halls. Demonstrations of proficiency are required. At PHS: Students will learn the principles of design for sets, costumes, lighting and sound. This class will be responsible for the design and execution of production designs for the fall and/or spring plays. This class will require after school hours.

CTE Certification

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IB HL Theatre

A two-year course in which theatre is viewed from the perspectives of history, theory, and production. Study of various theatrical traditions is given practical application in work with disciplines such as design, acting, scriptwriting, directing, and technical theatre. Students complete an independent theatre project. Students prepare for a Higher Level Exam.
**At PHS, all students enrolled in this course are required
to test in this subject for an IB certificate.

Open to IB & non-IB Students.

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IB SL Theatre

Theatre is viewed from the perspectives of history, theory, and production. Study of various theatrical traditions is given practical application in work with disciplines such as design, acting, scriptwriting, directing, and technical theatre. Students prepare for the Standard Level Exam.Can be done as a one year or a two year course.
**At PHS, all students enrolled in this course are required
to test for IB certificate.

Seniors Only.

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Set Design A

Learn the art of theatrical scenic design. Students will work on script analysis, design fundamentals, drafting and modelling, and more. Available to all students; however, Technical Theatre Certification would be a good starting point.

CTE Course

Lighting Design A

Learn the basics of theatrical lighting design, including color theory, lighting instruments, intelligent light programming, projections, and more. This CTE course provides the tools and insights to begin your journey as a lighting designer!

CTE Course

Theatre Costume Design

An introduction to theatre costuming. Students will learn fashion design & history, patterns, draping, hand & machine sewing, colors & fabrics, and more!

CTE Course

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Theatre Production

Theatre Production includes many advanced aspects of the theater: acting, directing, set construction and design, lighting, sound, and play writing. This class places emphasis on the student as worker. Prior approval and final evaluation by the instruction is required.
**At PHS, students will experience a hands-on approach to working on a full length play produced for a public audience. (The fall production is a Broadway-style musical, and the spring production is a non-musical play.)
Specific roles and positions will be awarded after an audition or interview process. After interviewing, technicians will design, build, and create the backstage elements of production. Class meets outside of regular school hours; after school, evenings and some Saturdays

Concurrent Enrollment Available!

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Foundations of Production & Performance

This introductory course explores careers in the performing arts, including theatre, film, television, and music. Students will discover options for pursuing the performing arts beyond high school, and begin the path to work onstage, backstage, and in arts management.
** At PHS, this course satisfies level 1 CTE Certification.

CTE Course

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